Thank You's
First off we would like to give thanks to our Lord for blessing us with the gift of sound & hearing. Thank you for the lungs & ears. Without you we would never have been able to make a sound or hear one. Without you, D*votion wouldn't have been possible. You have brought us girls together as friends & as a group. You have been helping us in amazing ways.  Thank You.

Thank you to our families. You have helped raised us up with music & love.  When will we be able to take care of you? Thanks to Shanen's parents, "Terry & Steve",(Steve even though you are not my biological father, you are still my DAD) thank you to "Aunt Tawny & Uncle Larry" You guys are hip & with it <------- (Do the Austin powers dance to this). No really, you guys are the best. Thank you for putting up with me.  Thanks to Ashley's Parents......(Jerry, thanks for letting  Ashley out to talk to us......)

Thank you to our friends: Julie 'jules' Roesbery, Chelsea Scales, Patrick 'patty' Ranger, Holly, Chris,  Jessica, Shannon,  'moocher crew: Heidi & Jen Odom, Amanda & James Reed, Melissa Jones, Shawn, Nikki 'hoe hoe' thompkins, Yia, Brandon, Hudson (thank you for being smarter than me...hee hee hee), Justin (Even though you act stupid, you still, well, stupid! Remember the 2 %), Lisa Mclaughlin, '. You guys mean the most to us. You guys are all too nice (well, some not as much as others *CoughHudsonCough* ...Joke) If I forgot any of you, I'm so sorry. I'll add you on later. Thank you also to the nicest people we'll ever talk to "YT Club 11". You guys are the best. Keep in touch. we will always remember you. & Thank you to all the clubs we are on. You members & founders are the best.

Thank you too our "new" friends, the fans: We've got so many e-mails from people saying that they look forward to hearing us in the future & can't wait to watch this site grow. Thank you so much. It means so much to us. It would be so unfair to call you guys 'fans'. You people are our friends! We are still so amazed that people actually wanna know about us. We just put this site up & have gotten so much e-mail. Wonderful letters. 100's of them! wow! We can't thank you guys enough! Keep the letters coming.

Thank you to all the other singers & groups that we love so much. Britney S, Christina A, Jessica S, Mandy M., Solid HarmoniE, Nobody's Angel, B*witched, Billie, Innosense, Cassiopia: You girls keep on kickin' ass. You have inspired us to sing & sing & sing!!! What could we have done without you & your music to help inspire our dance moves & songs. You guys all indivdually are so cool! Keep singing. You'll be around for a while!

Shanen & Ashley would like to also thank Eminem for being such a tight rapper! Besides the fact that he's mad hot, his lyrics are crazy. We love him even though he'll probably hate us cause we sing pop music, but that's okay. We still love him. His daughter is the cutest! Hey Hailie Jade! :) Em, we know you aren't pop, so that's why we can't put you before Nsync & Ytown! ha ha ha.

& last but not least, our idols, Nsync & Youngstown:
Thank you for the beautiful music you guys provide this crazy world with. You provide some peace to us all. You guys keep us going through out our days. We wish we could thank you in person but it's almost impossible now! Maybe, not yet for you Youngstown if you are ever in our part of Northern Cailfornia again. Shan met you once & has talked to dc another time so there be a possiblity! LOL.
Christi says "Thank you Justin Timberlake for inspiring words of wisdom that keep me going"
Ashley says "Thank you JC for being my one & only love & inspiration"
Shanen Says "Chris Kirkpatrick, You are the man! Thanx for helping me develope my "abs" with your jokes! ha ha"

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